ACCOUTABILITY? What does that mean? It would have been a simple question for our parents and grandparents, in most cases. No generation is free of people looking to take advantage of all situations, but the percentage of people who live by a high moral standard, has seemed to be on a steady slide. I am an optimist and believe most people are good, i.e., honest and willing to help others. I have also learned to trust all people, until they attempt to lie, cheat, of do harm to me or my family. An old teacher of mine taught me this valuable lessen. This does not mean we should not forgive others, as is taught in the Lords Prayer.
Our test to see if we deserve forgiveness. The key to forgiveness, ours or others, is whether we stop doing what we asked forgiveness for.
This seems to be a simple concept, but often not a simple result. If someone steals from you and you forgive them, what happens if they keep stealing from you? We are taught in the bible that Jesus is willing to forgive many times. I believe there is a point in which even God draws a line. We are taught that all men and women are unable to EARN salvation through good Works. The free gift of salvation, which Jesus paid for, is open to all that ask him for forgiveness and agrees to follow His laws. Salvation is through FAITH not WORKS. James in James 2:17-26, adds another thought. Faith without Works is dead. His thoughts, not different form Paul’s in Ephesians 2:8-9, only emphasizes that our actions reveal if we were truthful in asking for forgiveness and promising to change our ways.
Were we lying to God or telling him the truth?
The TEN COMMANDMENTS were given to us to provide a base line on how we should live. What happens if we ignore these rules and do as we please? God created man with free will. Why did He do this? Great Biblical writers and teachers suggest it is to give each human free choice to see how they chose to live. The choice is ours but not without ACCOUNTABILITY.
Yes, we will all be asked to account for our actions.
More on this in future Posts.
One of the TEN COMMANDMENTS deals with Lying. Exodus 20:16. Thou shall not Bare False Witness Against thou Neighbor. (THOU SHALL NOT LIE). Some might argue that this is a minor sin. Don’t all people lie? Is that not the norm in 2024? I would argue that it is one of the Major Commandments as it is a basis in all other Commandments. Murder, Worshiping other gods, and all the rest, all involves lies at some level. I believe God gave man the unique ability to know a lie from the truth, if you are paying attention and really want to know the truth. Making the argument that you were confused will not cut it. Remember when you are before God, all truth will be known, no rock to hide under. That said, why do we accept liars, and in many cases support and endorse them. I would suggest if we do this, we are as guilty in the eyes of God as the liars themselves. If we promote, encourage, and support liars, we will be held accountable ourselves as if we told the lie ourselves.
This principal holds for all the TEN COMMANDMENTS. I am passing along these warning to help us all, not judge. No one really knows your heart but you. Truth and honestly promote happiness. Lying ultimately promotes sorrow. As said earlier, when the majority of people in a country turn away from Gods laws, they reach a CROSS ROAD. Turn back to God or end in destruction. History is full of these examples.
Think of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19) versus Nineveh (Jonah chapter 3). Read and we will discuss more in next post.
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